Whether you've ended up in a tight spot by accident, whilst looking for your berth or simply because you need to turn around to access your berth more easily, turning in a confined space with comfort and confidence is a key skill that is incredibly helpful.
Top Tips:
- "Slow is Pro" in all close quarter manouevres
- Steer then Gear = Engage Neutral before steering to get the tightest/ most effective turn
- Where possible, allow the elements (wind/tidal flow) to do the work, whether that be slowing you down or rotating your bow
- The most effective part of your turn will be when you are in forward gear or when the wind/tidal flow is pushing your bow round
- Don't Panic! If things goes wrong avoid using power to overcome as this will more likely put you in a very sticky situation, instead just allow the powerboat to drift and if necessary fend off. Basically if the plan goes out the window, a bump is preferable to a crunch!
- Put out your fenders (hopefully you've already done this before entering the marina..)
- Check the area is clear
- Stop and assess the elements, figure out whether the wind or tidal flow is strongest
- Plan to make your turn into the strongest element (wind or tidal flow)

Red = Danger Area
Amber = Risky Area
Green = Safe Area
Step 1)
- Engage Neutral
- Full lock your steering (in this example to Starboard/Right)
- Engage forward gear gently until bow is pointing into the wind/tidal flow
Step 2)
- Engage Neutral
- Full lock steering in opposite direction (in this example to Port / Left)
- Engage a short burst of reverse gear until bow is caught by wind/tidal flow which will assist the bow coming round
Step 3)
- Engage Neutral
- Straighten up steering
- Engage Forward Gear Gently to depart the area
Turning in a confined space with twin engines:
STEPS (opposite throttles - the easiest method!):
Step 1)
Step 2)
- E.G. If turning clockwise gently engage starboard engine in reverse gear and gently port engine in forward gear (preferably at the same time)
Step 3)
- Spin boat until you're pointing in the direction you wish to go.